Thursday, October 27, 2011

Facebook Graph API and redirect_uri and QueryString parameters

PROBLEM: If you are using the Facebook API e.g. to do the login for your website etc (, you may find yourself wanting to get the user to login to Facebook but then return to the page they came from. My first reaction was to add the URL they came from to the end of the redirect_uri querystring parameter e.g.

Of course you would url encode the orig_url parameter and then decode it when you wanted to use it... it actually does work for the above type of call... but when calling the app authentication api it doesn't like it. Base64 encoding it doesn't work either. And remember, a little known fact is that the redirect_uri needs to be the same for when you are doing the app authorization as the app authentication (see below url)

Bottom line is that I tried the above approaches and kept getting a HTTP 400 error "Error validating verification code.".

SOLUTION: Taking a step back, rather than try and get what should work working, try a different approach. In my case, simply put the original URL into a session variable for use later on (


Session["UrlToReturnToAfterLogin"] = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.OriginalString;

Too easy.

1 comment:

  1. The Facebook Graph API's flexibility shines through its redirect_uri and QueryString parameters, granting developers precision and customization. These features empower seamless navigation and data retrieval, allowing for tailored user experiences. The redirect_uri refines user journeys by guiding them post-authorization, while QueryString parameters facilitate targeted data requests. This level of control and specificity ensures efficient data handling, enabling apps to fetch and utilize information precisely as needed. Facebook API attention to detail with these parameters underscores its commitment to developer empowerment and user-centric functionality.
